What a weekend!  Madison. Farmer's Market. Grown-up birthday dinner at Restaurant Magnus. Birthday picnic for Grandma Mayne. Whew!

With Auntie Julie at the Farmer's Market

Auntie Sarah and Ben at the Farmer's Market

This kid is a hoot! He knows EXACTLY what to do for the camera.


Cheese Ball!

Helping Uncle Brad play poker.

Julie and Brad at Julie's bday dinner at
Restaurant Magnus

Aimee and Brad Shaw


Baby-free at Restaurant Magnus.
Nora spent the evening with Aunt Katy and Aunt Abby.


With cousin Maddie and Great Aunt Julie at Grandma Mayne's birthday picnic.

Cousin Paige (5 months). Isn't she pretty?!

Mike helping cousin Jackson smash water balloons.

Looking for a dry head to soak.

Six of the seven great-grandchildren with Great Grandma and Grandpa Mayne.

 Eva, Nora, Madison, Paige, Marshall, Jackson.
Nora and Eva are NOT pleased.

Marshall and Jackson, on the otherhand, are completely
occupied with their water balloons.
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1) Because the bouncer doesn't have a "turbo" setting.
2) Because I have to burp...again.
3) Because I have to spit up/projectile vomit across the room...again.
4) Because I just spit up/projectile vomited everything in my tummy...so I'm hungry.
5) Because when I pulled my binky out of my mouth my binky came out of my mouth.
6) Because I'm wearing something other than a sleeper.
7) Because I'm hungry and this side is broken.
8) Because I'm not in my swing.
9) Because it's between 8:15 and 10:00 pm
10) Because somebody other than Daddy is trying to get me to calm down*.
11) Because you people are horrible parents and I wish I'd never been born*.
12) Because I'm in my carseat/stroller and we're not moving...and that is dumb.
13) Because baby clothing designers are idiots and clothing has to go over my head.
14) Because mommy is in the shower.
15) Because I'm sitting in my own poop.

Thankfully, the baby doesn't yell very much**. However, to make up for it, both dogs have taken to howling when she does...just in case we didn't hear her.

*Applicable only during nine o'clock fussies
**Not applicable during nine o'clock fussies