Our Christmas Eve adventures...
We arrived at the Milwaukee airport at 7:00am, hoping to fly out at 8:30. We snaked through the line and reached the ticket counter only to discover that our flight was delayed enough that we would miss our connecting flight to Richmond in Cleveland. As we were not particularly interested in spending the night in Cleveland, and there wouldn't be another flight until tomorrow afternoon we considered canceling altogether and driving home. This would have required driving at least three hours through a winter storm, so it wasn't our first choice.
We arrived at the Milwaukee airport at 7:00am, hoping to fly out at 8:30. We snaked through the line and reached the ticket counter only to discover that our flight was delayed enough that we would miss our connecting flight to Richmond in Cleveland. As we were not particularly interested in spending the night in Cleveland, and there wouldn't be another flight until tomorrow afternoon we considered canceling altogether and driving home. This would have required driving at least three hours through a winter storm, so it wasn't our first choice.
Milwaukee Airport
We ended up getting a direct flight from Milwaukee to Washington National which, after being de-iced, miraculously left and arrived on time. We rented a car from the airport (at Christmas Eve premium prices, I might add) and drove down to the Northern Neck where my parents, brother, grandmother, and many small dogs awaited our arrival.
We are now several hundred dollars poorer (thanks, Alamo Rent-a-Car) and spent several more hours traveling than intended, but we are home (at least at somebody's home) for the holidays.
Peace on Earth and goodwill toward men. Particularly toward the lady at Continental Airlines who found us a flight.