Seeing as there is a glaze of ice covering EVERYTHING, our tentative plans to go skiing or hiking today were nixed as we weren't terribly excited about walking down the driveway, let alone driving an hour in one direction or another. Instead, we stayed inside and assumed traditional gender roles. Mike installed the central vac and an overhead light and got the dimmer working on another. I made bean soup, dog biscuits (thanks Auntie Sarah!), sanded down some spackle on the wall (I planned to paint, but couldn't find the right color), and weather sealed the windows. Okay, I'm not sure sanding spackle or applying weather stripping qualify as traditional female duties...I probably should have baked a pie or something. Of course then I would have had to drive to the store...which brings us back to the ice...In any case, the house is coming along brilliantly, and now it smells homey too. I'm back to work tomorrow after a week and a half off, but for now I'm looking forward to an evening of Dr. Who (hoorah for Netflix). I probably should shower at some point too. Here's to Sunday's at home!
This Is Why We Have Photoshop
18 hours ago